CS-Cart Add-ons for CS-Cart B2C, CS-Cart Ultimate / 4.6.x, 4.4.x, 4.0.x / Free

Модуль Центральная касса позволяет просто интегрировать в магазин на базе CS-Cart популярный сервис онлайн-платежей ckassa.ru: простая, быстрая и надежная оплата со страницы вашего сайта. Встройте модуль оплаты на сайт и принимайте платежи по банковским картам.


An informative product card is one of the keys to high sales.

Our Salesbeat integration add-on unites all the shipping methods available to the buyer in one place by integrating the widget into the product card. Shipping information is also shown on the checkout page.


Terms and Conditions add-on allows showing terms of using a store, which user has to accept on specifying personal data (e-mail, phone number, etc.). Corresponding check-box appears at register page and under personal info forms.

The SEO-names Editor for CS-Cart is the fast and easy way  to manage SEO names of any object in CS-Cart store: products, pages, categories, features, etc. Sometimes after deleting the objects (products, blog articles) their SEO names are kept saved in the seo_names table of the database. The add-on displays the content of this table o the special page in the administration panel and the administrator can change / remove the records without any problems. 

CS-Cart add-on “Scroll to top button” allows  to improve usability of your web-store by means of “Button up” while scrolling the page.This is the way the user can easily go back to top.

CS-Cart “JS Password Generator” add-on is a simple module that allows you to generate passwords of specified length.

TheGoogle reCAPTCHA add-on replaces your default CS-Cart captcha with Google reCAPTCHA. This solution is based on one of the latest Google technologies to protect websites from bots and spammers.

Banner on the homepage of your web site is what customers see first of all, when browsing your store. Therefore, eye-catching banner images and effects are really significant to encourage clients to stay on a page and start shopping!

The  HTTPS Switcher add-on is a simple module which allows to set secure connection for all the pages of your store.


Simple add-on which adds interesting hover effect for product icons on all products list pages.


Hhighlights product amount on the order detailed page of admin panel. It is useful if your staff misses out product amount during order processing.


The Automatic Cart Recalculate add-on for CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor enables automatic recalculation of the cart's total cost with AJAX without clicking the Recalculate button. Now you can simply enter the number of products or change options, and all the prices will be recalculated automatically.

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