CS-Cart Power Blog add-on

Power Blog

Unique and high-quality content on your site is the key to successful SEO promotion. With the Power Blog add-on, you can post not only articles but image galleries, videos, publications about places and events tagged on maps, which will attract new visitors to the site and retain old ones. Power blog will fit any store design thanks to the Fine-tuning of the look. Tags and blog search will make navigation intuitive. Link articles to products, product categories, brands, and place blocks with articles on other pages of your site for internal crosslinking.

Enter the comma separated URLs of the storefronts where this product will be used.
Select the CS-Cart edition on which you will use the add-on.
The update period determines the period of time when you can get access to the new versions of this add-on compatible with the new versions of CS-Cart software released during the chosen period.
To instal the add-on, we will need the FTP access to your server. Please send it along with the order number to sales@cart-power.com once the order is paid.

What Does It Give to Your Store?

Power blog is a unique tool for reactivating existing customers and attracting new people to your store. Visitors who come to your site for info purposes can subscribe to your blog news or even buy something! 

Additional Search Traffic

You may automatically generate SEO data


and include new blog pages into the XML sitemap


Create Blog author profiles and customize the All authors page - editable SEO data on these pages will help you make your blog more visible to search engines.

More Potential Customers

Attach related products to posts


and place them on the author's page

Expands your readership many times over

Post blog articles on the popular services Yandex.Zen, Yandex.News and Yandex.turbo.

Use All Power Blog Features:

  • Style selection for articles list pages (text list, list with images, various grid styles, scroller);
  • Sections and categories structure for posts;
  • Ability to create an additional Blog author profile for administrators (and vendors in the Multi-Vendor edition);
  • Ability to create pages for authors of articles;
  • If the author of the article is a vendor, a block with the vendor's products can be placed on the author's page.
  • Layouts configuration for blog sections display;
  • Color scheme configuration for separate blog elements: buttons, hyperlinks, background, etc.;
  • Watermarks support for blog images;
  • 5 article types with the ability to change the type after creation: text article, image gallery, video, place, and event with map tags;
  • Ability to display author, article type, short description, views counter, approximate reading time and tags on the article;
  • Availability periods for articles;
  • Ability to export RSS feeds to Yandex.Zen, Yandex.News, Yandex.turbo;
  • Import articles from default CS-Cart blog into Power Blog;
  • Full integration with default Comments and Reviews add-on for user communication;
  • Tags for articles;
  • 7 new blocks for blog managing: “Blog Archive Block”, “Blog Search Block”, “Blog Subscription”, “Blog Articles List”, “Blog Categories”, “Blog Tags”, “Filter Articles by Type Block”;
  • Ability to customize the display of blog articles on any store page: product, product categories, vendor articles, or brands page;
  • Ability to display the "Event" articles in a special block with an indication of the start date;
  • Ability to display the reading progress bar on article pages;
  • Display related products at article page;
  • New article notifications for blog subscribers with the ability to unsubscribe;
  • Statistics on sending notifications for each article with detailed information about site visits they generate;
  • Separate section for blog categories in the Sitemap HTML;
  • Articles and blog categories are included to Google Sitemap XML automatically (integration with the built-in CS-Cart "Google Sitemap" add-on);
  • AB: Advanced sitemap supported. 
  • Auto generating meta data and meta key words for every category and article;
  • Integrated Rich snippets and FB Open Graph markups;
  • Ability to enter data for Open Graph manually on the blog article and category (in integration with Cart-Power: Open Graph markup);
  • Build in search by blog;
  • The SEO is optimized, there are several SEO URL options for blog articles and blog categories. Ability to edit the meta description, meta keywords, page titles, H2 for every category and article manually;
  • Integration with the CP: SEO templates add-on - generation of SEO data for blog articles and blog categories by template;
  • Ability to limit access to publishing articles for vendors depending on the vendor plan  in Multi-Vendor;
  • Vendor article moderation by admin;
  • Support of the vendor panel configurator;
  • Ability to create and configure separate blogs for each storefront in Ultimate editions;


Learn more in add-on documentation.

Need modifications or any assistance? Please, feel free to contact us via HelpDesk system.


6 months of the free upgrade period included.

Attention: risk of the data loss during the upgrade!

To upgrade the add-on from version 1.0, you need to uninstall the old version. All add-on data will be lost. Please contact our technical support before starting the upgrade. We will help you to migrate your data from the old version of the add-on. 

Works correctly with the popular themes YOUPI and UniTheme.

  • CS-Cart B2C
  • CS-Cart B2B
  • CS-Cart B2B & B2C
  • CS-Cart Ultimate
  • Multi-Vendor
  • Multi-Vendor Plus
  • Multi-Vendor Ultimate
  • 4.18.x
  • 4.17.x
  • 4.16.x
  • 4.15.x
  • 4.14.x
  • 4.13.x
  • 4.12.x
  • 4.11.x
  • 4.10.x
  • Responsive
  • UniTheme
  • YOUPI Theme
Please, Contact us, if you need add-on for another version.
Добрый день! Пользуемся новой версией модуля 2,0 уже 1 месяц. Обновления ждали долго, но работы по проведенные по переносу со старого модуля версии 1.0 и настройке модуля (внешний вид, расположение блоков) мы остались очень довольны. Также отмечу исправление багов после установки проходило в течении 1 рабочего. Всем рекомендуем сам модуль и компанию Cart-Power.
We will add the additional information to our manual. Thank you for your advice.

As for upgrade you can contact our team via sales@cart-power.com in order not to loose the content of your blog.

Best regards,
Hello, Cart-POWER!
Your addon is very good, but i need to upgrade my CS-CART.
How to fully remove your addon from my CS-CART?

I think you have to write this usefull skill into your user manual!

> Есть глюки у модуля. Или у нас руки кривые. Как с вами связаться? Писали на sales@cart-power.com. Ни ответа ни привета.

Пожалуйста, позвоните по телефону 8-800-301-33-03 для решения данной ситуации.
Dear Bang,

> I do not see show blog article at front -end ...

Please, send us email to sales@cart-power.com and we will help you.
When is the version compatible with cs-cart 4.3.1 available? Do you have a date?

Power Blog add-on is compatible with CS-Cart and MV 4.3.x already.
I have been using this addon for a long time. I am very pleased with it. I think it is the best product in the Cs-cart blog category. Technical support is very good. Thank you.
I do not see show blog article at front -end ...
Есть глюки у модуля. Или у нас руки кривые. Как с вами связаться? Писали на sales@cart-power.com. Ни ответа ни привета.
Write a review

CS-Cart/ Multi-Vendor 4.10.1 - 4.18.2
Version 2.21 from 08 Aug 2023
[+] - The ability to calculate the estimated reading time of an article was added.
[+] - A separate setting for the reading progress bar for mobile devices was added.
[+] - If the author of the article is a vendor, a block with the vendor's products can be placed on the author's page.
[+] - The ability to change the type of an article after its creation was added.
[+] - The ability to markup the dateModified for articles was added. Requires CP add-on: JSON-LD Markup.
[*] - The “Blog Categories” section was renamed to “Blog Structure”. Marker was added to blog sections.
[*] - The ”Image gallery” tab was added to articles with the ”Article” type.
[!] - The ”All authors” page was available for vendors. Fixed.
[!] - If only the “Available from” field was indicated in the availability period, then the article was not available on the storefront. Fixed.
[!] - On the latest versions of CS-Cart, there were problems in integration with the social buttons add-on. Fixed.
[!] - In some cases, the author of the article was not displayed on the storefront. Fixed.
[!] - There was a conflict with Unitheme styles. Fixed.
[!] - Minor fixed for Yandex turbo pages.

Version 2.20 from 24 Aug 2022
[!] - An error occurred in category and article pickers due to the usage of “math” function. Corrected.

Version 2.19 from 22 Aug 2022
[!] - We found an incompatibility of one of the add-on’s templates with the updated version of smarty in CS-Cart/Multi-Vendor 4.15.1 and higher. Corrected.
[!] - Links in Yandex.Webmaster were duplicated on the detailed article page. Corrected.

Version 2.18 from 06 May 2022
[+] - The ability to create pages for authors of articles was added.
[+] - The support of the vendor panel configurator was added.
[+] - A new filling option “Parent + neighboring categories” for the block with the blog category tree was added.
[+] - The ability to display the reading progress bar on article pages was added.
[+] - Quick navigation to the parent category and the next article was added to the article page.
[+] - The ability to enter data for Open Graph manually on the blog category was added.
[*] - On the article page, the reading time is displayed as text now
[*] - When you change the section of an article category, the section will change for all articles of this category. If an article belongs to more than one category, the category whose section was changed is removed from the article.
[*] - H3 headings were removed from the blog block names.
[!] - Information about the vendor, H1, breadcrumbs and tags was missing in the export file. Fixed.
[!] - Different styles were applied to the main and brief description of the article. Fixed.
[!] - There were issues with generating RSS feeds. Fixed.

Version 2.17 from 09 Dec 2021
[+] - The ability to generate SEO data for blog articles by template was added. Requires add-on CP: SEO templates v.2.4.
[+] - The ability to set the height of the thumbnail of the main image of the article for the block of articles with the "scroller" template was added.
[+] - Hints were added to all icons (reading time, author, number of views, article type, category).
[*] - The current article is excluded from the block of articles on the article page.
[!] - When installing add-on v.2.16 on CS-Cart Ultimate, PHP errors and problems with SEO names might appear. Fixed.
[!] - In version v.2.16 there were problems with backward compatibility of the add-on with versions of Multi-Vendor below 4.11.1. Fixed.

Version 2.16 from 10 Sep 2021
[+] - CRON for generating Yandex RSS files was added (not supported on Multi-Vendor below 4.12.1).
[*] - Yandex RSS files are available via external links (not supported on Multi-Vendor below 4.12.1).
[!] - There were problems with backward compatibility of the add-on with versions of CS-Cart below 4.12.1. The hook required for add-on version 2.15 was missing. Fixed.

Version 2.15 from 31 Aug 2021
[+] - Multi-Vendor Ultimate: Еhe ability to create and configure separate blogs for each storefront was added.
[+] - The ability to export RSS feeds to Yandex.Zen, Yandex.News, Yandex.turbo was added.
[+] - The ability to insert blocks directly into the body of the article using the WYSIWYG editor was added.
[+] - The ability to display a short description of the article on the article page was added.
[+] - The ability to add a short description for the blog category was added.
[+] - A new template for the block with blog articles "Combined grid" was added.
[+] - The ability to display the estimated article reading time was added.

Version 2.14 from 16 Jul 2021
[+] - The compatibility with the SEO templates add-on was added.
[!] - There was a problem with ImageZoom on the product page. Fixed.
[!] - On the brands page, the content of the article list was cached if the AB: SEO for brands add-on was enabled. Fixed.
[!] - Unitheme: Open graph used the site logo instead of the blog post image. Fixed.
[!] - Unitheme: There were problems in the layout of the pages of articles with comments. Fixed.
[!] - Problems with generating a sitemap and duplicating the tag when using an outdated version of the AB: Extended sitemap. Fixed.
[!] - An error occurred while merging vendors. Fixed.

Version 2.13 from 25 Mar 2021
[+] - A quick switch from the article page in the storefront to editing it in the administration panel was added.
[+] - Multi-Vendor: 2 notifications in the administration panel were added: “New vendor article” and “Vendor edited the article”.
[*] - Mobile devices: The view of the articles list "List 2" changed. Separate settings for mobile image size were added.
[!] - In the articles block on the category page, new articles were displayed at the end of the list. Fixed.
[!] - It was possible to select product variations to fill the product block on the article page, although CS-Cart does not display them in the product blocks. Fixed.

Version 2.12 from 12 Mar 2021
[+] - Added display conditions selector to articles list block at product page.
[+] - Added "for article page", "for article category page", "for product page", "for brand page (by brand)" filling settings for articles block.
[+] - Added display subcategories articles at categories page feature to articles block.
[+] - Search feature available when filling articles block manually.
[*] - Filling "from current product category" renamed to "For product category page".
[!] - Empty field appeared at page when editing an article in CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor 4.12.2. Fixed.
[!] - Hidden articles were inaccessible via direct URL (only date of publication was displayed). Fixed.

Version 2.11 from 08 Feb 2021
[+] - The watermarks support for images in the blog was added.
[+] - The ability to link an article with products via categories.
[+] - The ability to show articles linked to the category in a block with articles was added.
[+] - The ability to link articles to brands and display them in a special block.
[+] - The ability to display the "Event" articles in a special block. Articles are selected by configurable conditions.
[+] - The ability to show the start date of the event was added to the articles with the "Event" type.
[+] - The ability to show the article view counter in the list of articles, in the articles block and on the article page.
[+] - The “filter by article type” block was added.
[+] - The statistics of sending the article now shows whether it resulted in the article view.
[+] - 2 new variants for Blog article SEO URL type were added: "/parent-category/article-name.html" and "/parent-category/article-name/".
[+] - The support of the AB: Advanced sitemap was added.
[*] - The logic of working with blog subscriptions was changed. You can only subscribe to the blog now, to send messages to subscribers you need the Email marketing v1.6+ add-on.
[!] - Export of the blog articles did not work. Fixed.
[!] - For articles with the "Event" and "Place" types, the settings did not appear when the scroller display type was selected for the images gallery. Fixed.

Version 2.10 from 25 Dec 2020
[!] - Elements of the list of the blog articles with the "List 2" view and elements of the image gallery were positioned incorrectly. Fixed.
[!] - The navigation arrows of the image scroller in UniTheme2 were displayed incorrectly. Fixed.

Version 2.9 from 08 Jul 2020
[+] - Swiper previewer for gallery was added .
[+] - The ability to set the category position in the categories block if the content is filled manually was added.
[*] - In the predefined layouts the "Max. number of elements" setting value was changed from 1 to 3 for the "Archive" block.

Version 2.8 from 19 Jun 2020
[+] - A new gallery type: "Grid list" with the ability to set the number of columns was added.
[+] - The ability to set the size of the images in the gallery was added.
[+] - The ability to configure galleries for each article separately was added.
[+] - The support of the delayed loading of images in the article description via the Cart-Power: Lazy load add-on was added.
[*] - Minor design changes in the gallery with the type “Scroller”.
[!] - In the galleries the configured image order was reset when you click the “Save” button. Fixed.

Version 2.7 from 25 May 2020
[*] - The way the color scheme settings are saved was changed to increase the stability of the add-on.

Version 2.6 from 21 May 2020
[+] - Added a new hook: cp_blog:article_tabs. It allows you to place information at the bottom of the article page.
[!] - On some hostings a LESS error occurred. Fixed.

Version 2.5 from 12 May 2020
[!] - Due to caching, the wrong products were displayed on the article page in the “related products” block. Fixed.

Version 2.4 from 06 May 2020
[*] - The number of elements in the color scheme for which colors can be set was increased.

Version 2.3 from 29 Apr 2020
[+] - A new filling for articles block: “From the same category“.
[+] - Layouts for “Category page” and “Article page” are created automatically during the add-on installation.
[!] - The map was duplicated on the articles pages with the type “Event” and “Place”. Fixed.
[!] - Article tags did not work correctly if the template “List 2" for the articles list was used. Fixed.

Version 2.2 from 20 Apr 2020
[+] - New template for the articles list "List 2".
[*] - Minor changes in the layout on the storefront.
[*] - The setting “Max. number of elements ” in the“ Blog archive ”block was moved to the “Content” tab.
[!] - The setting “Max. number of elements ”in the“ Blog archive ”block did not work. Fixed.
After the upgrade to this version, recreate the block with the archive.

Version 2.1 from 09 Apr 2020
[*] - The look of articles with the type “Gallery”.
[*] - The way the blog categories menu block is displayed. Now all parent categories of the current category are expended.

Version 2.0 from 08 Apr 2020
[*] - The design was reworked.
[*] - A separate tab for managing subscription added on the blog article editing page.
[+] - Ability to clear subscription logs on the article list page.
[+] - A separate tab with blog subscription settings added to the add-on settings.
[+] - Special settings depending on the type of article are added.
[+] - Compatibility with the add-on: JSON-LD Markup
[+] - Compatibility with the add-on: Open Graph Markup
[+] - Compatibility with the add-on: Extended Sitemap XML
[+] - In the Vendor plans you can allow vendors to create articles for the advanced blog.
[+] - Ability to specify blog categories vendors can post articles to.
[+] - Premoderation of the vendors articles.
[+] - Sort vendor articles by the moderation status.
[+] - Ability to approve vendor articles in bulk.
[+] - Ability to approve/disapprove a vendor article on the article editing pages.
[-] - Displaying navigation on blog articles setting was removed and replaced with standard navigation in breadcrumbs.
[+] - Additional settings in the SEO add-on for the SEO format of the URL of articles and blog categories.
[+] - Ability to include the main page of the blog in the navigation bar and SEO names of the blog categories articles.
[+] - Ability to import articles from the default blog.
[+] - Import / export of blog articles.
[+] - Ability to include advanced blog articles in store search results.

CS-Cart/ Multi-Vendor 4.3.1 - 4.9.3
Version 1.0 from 17 Mar 2014

CS-Cart 4.2.1 - 4.2.4
Version 1.0 from 17 Mar 2014

Multi-Vendor 4.2.1 - 4.2.4
Version 1.0 from 17 Mar 2014

Multi-Vendor 4.1.1 - 4.1.5
Version 1.0 from 17 Mar 2014

CS-Cart 4.0.1 - 4.1.5
Version 1.0 from 17 Mar 2014

The best blog for CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor
Get 20 technical support credits
ATTENTION! Make sure your store version and theme is listed in the sections below.
Product edition:
  • CS-Cart B2C
  • CS-Cart B2B
  • CS-Cart B2B & B2C
  • CS-Cart Ultimate
  • Multi-Vendor
  • Multi-Vendor Plus
  • Multi-Vendor Ultimate
Supported versions:
  • 4.18.x
  • 4.17.x
  • 4.16.x
  • 4.15.x
  • 4.14.x
  • 4.13.x
  • 4.12.x
  • 4.11.x
  • 4.10.x
Themes compatibility:
  • Responsive
  • UniTheme
  • YOUPI Theme

Customers like

Key Features

  • 14 Days Money Back Guarantee
    Money back guarantee
  • Guaranteed Bug Free
    Free bug fixing forever

    We guarantee a fix for a reported bug within 20 business days. 

  • Easy Installation
    Easy to install

    It takes 5 minutes to instal our products using the step-by-step instructions.

  • Multilingual
    Multilingual by default

    Translated in English and Russian. The language variables of the add-on are edited right through the administration panel of the store, so you can add your translation easily.

  • Open access to the source code
    Open access to the source code

    Our code is 100% open. Anyone can check the code and see what is under the hood. All kinds of modifications are possible.

  • No changes in the CS-Cart core
    No changes in the CS-Cart core

    We do not make any changes in the engine's core to comply with the CS-Cart development standards. So you will not get in trouble upgrading your CS-Cart store to the next version.

  • Speed optimization
    Speed optimization

    We understand that speed for an online store does matter. We analyse and optimize our add-ons code to make your store work as fast as possible.

  • Compatible with the mobile phones and tablets
    Compatible with the mobile phones and tablets

    Our products are tested on mobile devices, tablets; operating systems: Windows, MacOS, Linux; browsers: IE10+, Google Chrome, FireFox, Safari, Opera.


  • "Ask
    Ask any questions

    If you have any questions on the product functionality or you are not sure that you got everything right, contact us, and we’ll get back to you within one business day!

  • If you have any modifications
    Information for owners of modified web stores

    We can not guarantee the compatibility of our add-ons if you have a modified store or there are third party add-ons installed. We can adapt our products to your store on a paid basis. Please contact us for a quote.

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