Design & Navigation for CS-Cart Ultimate, Multi-Vendor, Multi-Vendor Ultimate / 4.8.х, 4.0.x

$75.00 $37.50

The fastest and the most feature-rich search for your online store.

The Live Search add-on is a free-of-a-monthly-fee alternative to cloud search services.

Clustering caching system provides maximum search speed in stores with a large number of products.

The search history will help to analyse the search activity in your store, add suggestions and recommendations displayed in the search results, and get rid of the zero search results.

Customizable look and feel of the Live Search will make the search simple and convenient, and your clients will see only relevant search results thanks to the fine search conditions tuning.

Cart-Power “Live Search” - Product search is easy.

The Rating filter add-on allows customers to filter products by their rating and find products with the highest rating with ease.

Extended Tags add-on helps using default tags for successful marketing and store promotion. With the add-on you are able to create SEO optimized tag pages with description and meta data to improve search positions in Google.

The Search by features block add-on extends the customers options in product search by their features.

This add-on allows you to improve the site navigation via updated catalog and menus pages. You can configure their content in the add-on settings or using the special live editing mode.

This add-on allows you to place additional links on product categories pages. You can add internal and external links, configure their images and names.

This add-on helps you to customize your store look individually for different user groups. Besides, new options allow you to display the block content on different devices: desktops, tablets, mobiles.

Service Panel add-on you will be able to create a fixed panel with quick access buttons right in your storefront. You can select different icons for the buttons and place the panel on the right or the left side of the screen.


With Mobile Layout add-on your desktop store version will be able to use one layout and theme style, and mobile - another layout and any style, available for this theme.

CS-Cart New Arrivals Page add-on is used for displaying new products in the separate category automatically.

CS-Cart Discounted Products Page add-on allows you to display products with the discounts in the separate category.

CS-Cart add-on “Scroll to top button” allows  to improve usability of your web-store by means of “Button up” while scrolling the page.This is the way the user can easily go back to top.


The Vertical menu add-on creates the additional accordion-type template for menu block and enables new color solution for the menu.

CS-Cart "Masonry grid" add-on will make your store look more attractive. With the help of this module you can show products in categories in their best way.


The CS-Cart Equal height product blocks is a simple addition, which aligns the product blocks height.


CS-Cart Full-width background add-on allows you to make full-width background. You will be able set color or image background for grid of your store.

This CS-Cart module allows to make floating menu on your Internet-store easily or fix any other block in one position on page (for example, fix block with filters) while scrolling. You can add transparency for menu, fix only top menu, separately menu or both elements in the same time.

CS-Cart "Animated Blocks" add-on is a special module which allows to add different animation effects to blocks (for example: main content, slider, "On sale" and "Hot deals" blocks).

$20.00 $9.00
The Extended Banner Slider add-on is a great solution for generating and settings the interesting and attractive banners for your store. Lots of new useful settings are added.

Banner on the homepage of your web site is what customers see first of all, when browsing your store. Therefore, eye-catching banner images and effects are really significant to encourage clients to stay on a page and start shopping!


Allows to make slider from any blocks of your store. Just add the "fading-block" class for blocks you need to combine to slider. If you wish make a few sliders on the page, you need use classes: "fading-block", "fading-block1", "fading-block2", "fading-block3" for each slider group.


Simple add-on which adds interesting hover effect for product icons on all products list pages.

$20.00 $9.00

The Power Slider add-on enables great attractive sliders to your store with beautiful interesting effects. The Power Slider add-on extends the functionality of the default CS-Cart Banners add-on.

$49.00 $29.00

The Graceful Slider add-on is an attractive flexible slider for your store with the ability to play video. It is fully adaptive and compatible with the Responsive theme.

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