Payment & Taxes for CS-Cart Ultimate / 4.9.x, 4.2.x

Модуль Центральная касса позволяет просто интегрировать в магазин на базе CS-Cart популярный сервис онлайн-платежей простая, быстрая и надежная оплата со страницы вашего сайта. Встройте модуль оплаты на сайт и принимайте платежи по банковским картам.


The PayFast add-on is a payment method integration. PayFast is a South African payment gateway, which allows your customers to easily sign up and manage their payments via an easy-to-use payment wallet, enabling them to pay for your product or service quickly and easily. When a user selects to pay for their order using PayFast, they are redirected to your merchant account on PayFast where they are requested to login and make the payment. PayFast handles the payments and redirects your visitors back to your website where they can continue browsing through your store.


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