CS-Cart Add-ons for CS-Cart B2B & B2C, CS-Cart Ultimate / 4.10.x, 4.9.x, 4.1.x

$49.00 $29.00
The CS-Cart Similar Products add-on creates new options for filling the Products block content. For example, you can set up showing all products with the "active rest" tag in the special block. Another option is to find and display products by features like irons with automatic shutdown functionality or all smartphones with 9.7 as the "Screen diagonal" feature value.

The SEO-names Editor for CS-Cart is the fast and easy way  to manage SEO names of any object in CS-Cart store: products, pages, categories, features, etc. Sometimes after deleting the objects (products, blog articles) their SEO names are kept saved in the seo_names table of the database. The add-on displays the content of this table o the special page in the administration panel and the administrator can change / remove the records without any problems. 

CS-Cart add-on “Scroll to top button” allows  to improve usability of your web-store by means of “Button up” while scrolling the page.This is the way the user can easily go back to top.

The Related Colors add-on creates new type of link between products. Using it you can add the special compact block "Related colors" with links to the products of the same color or to the same products of different colors.


The Vertical menu add-on creates the additional accordion-type template for menu block and enables new color solution for the menu.


The Clone order add-on is used to clone/copy orders in administration panel.  

The Power SEO add-on enables autogenerating category meta-data and rewrites filters URL


The Import from Etsy add-on allows you to import the general information about products from your store on Etsy.com to the CS-Cart store. All you need is to be registered as the Etsy developer.


The Import from eBay add-on is a newly developed module that allows you to import product data from your eBay to CS-Cart. All you need is the standard set of correct eBay developer IDs (API, token, Certificate Key, Developer Key).


Product as Option add-on is a powerful cross-sell tool. Offer related products from other categories to the base product as an option or combine separate products from your store in a set with the ability to choose other products from the set options. No trouble with the sales reports and correct inventory tracking for products sold as options.


The Products listing images add-on sets images on products listing pages different from images on the product details page.

CS-Cart Additional products add-on will allow you to sell your products by sets. You can set a discount for one or several products. Also, you can raise the price for one or more products in kit.

CS-Cart "Masonry grid" add-on will make your store look more attractive. With the help of this module you can show products in categories in their best way.

CS-Cart “JS Password Generator” add-on is a simple module that allows you to generate passwords of specified length.


CS-Cart TrustBadge add-on is integration of the most popular Rate systems (www.trustedshops.co.uk).


The CS-Cart Equal height product blocks is a simple addition, which aligns the product blocks height.


Integration of CS-Cart with the cloud-based customer support platform "Freshdesk" (freshdesk.com).


CS-Cart Full-width background add-on allows you to make full-width background. You will be able set color or image background for grid of your store.


The PayFast add-on is a payment method integration. PayFast is a South African payment gateway, which allows your customers to easily sign up and manage their payments via an easy-to-use payment wallet, enabling them to pay for your product or service quickly and easily. When a user selects to pay for their order using PayFast, they are redirected to your merchant account on PayFast where they are requested to login and make the payment. PayFast handles the payments and redirects your visitors back to your website where they can continue browsing through your store.


This CS-Cart module allows to make floating menu on your Internet-store easily or fix any other block in one position on page (for example, fix block with filters) while scrolling. You can add transparency for menu, fix only top menu, separately menu or both elements in the same time.

CS-Cart "Animated Blocks" add-on is a special module which allows to add different animation effects to blocks (for example: main content, slider, "On sale" and "Hot deals" blocks).

TheGoogle reCAPTCHA add-on replaces your default CS-Cart captcha with Google reCAPTCHA. This solution is based on one of the latest Google technologies to protect websites from bots and spammers.

$20.00 $9.00
The Extended Banner Slider add-on is a great solution for generating and settings the interesting and attractive banners for your store. Lots of new useful settings are added.

Banner on the homepage of your web site is what customers see first of all, when browsing your store. Therefore, eye-catching banner images and effects are really significant to encourage clients to stay on a page and start shopping!
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