Catalog Management for Multi-Vendor


Custom Stock Statuses add-on allows creating availability statuses of products from a store catalogue. The add-on works in two modes: basic and advanced one.

This add-on allows you to create different types of product sortings, customize landing category pages for narrow search requests, and improves SEO.


The  add-on provides an algorithm for simplified calculation of products remaining in the store (inventory tracking). If the quantity of a product is greater than zero, the product will be considered in stock. Customers can order it in any quantity, without changing the balance of the product.

If the quantity of product is zero, it will be considered out of stock and customers will not be able to buy it.

Extended Email-Marketing add-on includes all features, required for successful email-marketing. Use placeholders to configure notification templates for abandoned carts, wishlists, viewed products, events, products review requests. Add promo codes to the notification templates and track stats of each notification and used promo codes. 

CS-Cart Product Currency add-on allows you to set prices for products in the administration panel in a non-basic currency of the store

$475.00 $285.00
We have collected the most popular add-ons in one package that will take your CS-Cart-based online store to a new level immediately after installation and configuration.

Additional Option Images add-on is the simplest and easy-to-use solution to improve the appearance of the default options in CS-Cart. With the help of this add-on admin is able to add an unlimited number of images for product options.


The Dynamic Categories add-on will increase the attractiveness of your store for customers and simplify the current offers updating task - the system dynamically loads products that meet the specified conditions in the selected category. 

A properly configured add-on simplifies the search for the most interesting offers for the buyer and minimizes the vendor's work to create them.

Adds the ability to make the product feature mandatory.


The add-on allows to display the table with all the variants of a specific option (parameter) and the customer will be able to buy the product as a full set.

Discontinued products adds the ability to manage pages of products that are out of production. It increases the speed your site is indexed and collects a subscriber base.

Increase the average check in your online store, sell compatible products and services by packages and sets. Product packages consist of the store products, so you can easily control the stock. You can flexibly set a discount both for the entire package and separate products in it.

The Hide Products Without Images add-on allows you to exclude products without images from search results and product categories on the storefront and the administrator to find such products in the admin panel easily and fix the problem.


The Accessories & Similar products add-on will help you set up an automatic selection of appropriate products - accessories and similars, based on their cost and features. You can customize selection rules for categories (including their subcategories) and separate products, add manually selected favorite similars or accessories, hide out-of-stock or unsuitable by their cost products, use different sorting methods within one tab.

Recurring subscriptions add-on allows clients to subscribe to products and receive regular product payment bills. Subscription business model provides valuable resource: time. Client saves it on checking out the same order, and a store gets a loyal customer, which helps planning product stock.

The "Unit Price" add-on shows the cost per certain volume of product (e.g. kg, m2, 100 ml). The administrator specifies the required unit, its cost and the volume of packaging of the goods. The add-on will do all the calculations and show the customer's benefit from buying a larger volume of goods on the product page.

The Product 360 view add-on allows customers to view the product from all angles before purchasing. It builds a 3D model from static product images, taking product demo to the next level.

Collections add-on allows you to create various collections of goods. You can choose a cover for every collection, add the name and the description. The panel with the collection will be displayed on the product page and customers can see other products from the collection.

This add-on allows you to improve the site navigation via updated catalog and menus pages. You can configure their content in the add-on settings or using the special live editing mode.


The add-on makes the categories addition for products more comfortable and easier. You can add the new one to the current categories list or redefine all categories of the product (all current categories will be deleted). All available product categories are displayed on the product editing page in the additional section.



Random Products add-on allows to create a block, in which products from store's catalogue are being randomly shown.


With Product Accessories add-on you will be able to show accessories for a product right at its' page by creating new block, based on default "Products" block with the add-on functionality.

$49.00 $29.00
The CS-Cart Similar Products add-on creates new options for filling the Products block content. For example, you can set up showing all products with the "active rest" tag in the special block. Another option is to find and display products by features like irons with automatic shutdown functionality or all smartphones with 9.7 as the "Screen diagonal" feature value.

The Related Colors add-on creates new type of link between products. Using it you can add the special compact block "Related colors" with links to the products of the same color or to the same products of different colors.
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