You can test the add-on for 30 days. If you are not satisfied, please let us know, and we will refund your money no questions asked!
Not always a detailed description and high-quality photos of the product are enough to make a purchasing decision. If the client still has unanswered questions, he can simply refuse to purchase this product. The faster a potential customer gets answers to his questions, the higher the likelihood that he will not leave your store and will not buy a similar product in another one.
FAQ with the search option will help to find the answer, if a similar question was asked before, or ask a question and get an answer from the admin or other users.
Thanks to the answers rating system, most useful comments won’t be lost in the general mass.
You can customize the display of the Product Questions tab content in the most convenient way.
Moderation of questions and answers will allow you to edit them or leave only informative ones.
Сaptcha support will protect from spam.
The very opportunity to ask a question about a product increases customer loyalty, and a timely answer with the possibility of receiving an email notification will significantly increase your chances to get a new order. E-mail notifications about the new questions / answers will allow you to respond promptly and not skip them.
You can easily increase the engagement of visitors of your site, if you allow them to participate in discussions on the product pages. They will generate unique content for your page, which will positively affect SEO - active pages with live discussions receive high priority in search results.
Unlike Ask Questions about products, this add-on allows you to ask questions directly on the product page, and not via personal message to the store administrator. So, other users can see all the questions and answers and comment on them.
Unlike Power FAQ, a section with questions and answers adds specifically to the product pages.
Learn more in documentation.
Need modifications or any assistance? Please, feel free to contact us via HelpDesk system.
6 months of free upgrade period included.
Note: In Multi-Vendor email notifications will send to the store administrator, and not to the administrator of the storefront.
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Increase customer loyalty by publicly answering product questions
You can test the add-on for 30 days. If you are not satisfied, please let us know, and we will refund your money no questions asked!
We guarantee a fix for a reported bug within 20 business days.
It takes 5 minutes to instal our products using the step-by-step instructions.
Translated in English and Russian. The language variables of the add-on are edited right through the administration panel of the store, so you can add your translation easily.
Our code is 100% open. Anyone can check the code and see what is under the hood. All kinds of modifications are possible.
We do not make any changes in the engine's core to comply with the CS-Cart development standards. So you will not get in trouble upgrading your CS-Cart store to the next version.
We understand that speed for an online store does matter. We analyse and optimize our add-ons code to make your store work as fast as possible.
Our products are tested on mobile devices, tablets; operating systems: Windows, MacOS, Linux; browsers: IE10+, Google Chrome, FireFox, Safari, Opera.
If you have any questions on the product functionality or you are not sure that you got everything right, contact us, and we’ll get back to you within one business day!
We can not guarantee the compatibility of our add-ons if you have a modified store or there are third party add-ons installed. We can adapt our products to your store on a paid basis. Please contact us for a quote.